Monthly Archives: June 2012

More waiting…

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I look forward to one day reading back over these posts explaining to our son or daughter how often I thought about him / her.    Today is one of those days when I feel we are so far away from getting everything completed.  To say there is a lot of paper work is a complete understatement!  I am so grateful for Cindy, she is a trooper when it comes to paper work (it is almost like she enjoys it…unbelievable)


I have some prayer requests, for those who are reading and praying…Thank you so much!

1.  Pray that our home study will be scheduled and completed in a timely manner.  We are told that it takes approximately three months.  After the completion of the home study we can apply for different grants that will help with the expense.  And more importantly, we will be closer to seeing the beautiful baby God has blessed us with!  We can not wait!


2.  Pray the children and workers of the orphanage.  I was reading on facebook today, that more children were brought into the orphanage.  One of the children waiting to come to the orphanage is a three month old little girl who has been abandoned by her parents….she is alone.  She is currently at the police station while authorities investigate what happened.  Each time I hear a story like this I can not help but think…”We will take her!  She can live with us!!!…(or any of the children)” I wish we could leave tomorrow to be with our amazing brothers and sisters who are serving these beautiful children.  I wish we could leave tomorrow to be with our child.


3.  Pray for the continued healing for those who have been impacted by the outbreak of the measles.


I can not wait until we can begin sharing news of events happening at a quicker pace…as for now we are learning as we go (and we PRAISE GOD FOR THE AMAZING PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN KIND ENOUGH TO ANSWER OUR 1000 QUESTIONS!)


Thank you for praying.  You truly have no idea how grateful our family is for each of you!